Thursday 24 April 2014

What is Vitiligo skin disorder ?

Vitiligo is a chronic skin disorder where the skin gets de-pigmented. The skin has pigments that determine its color and darkness called as melanin. Melanin is produced by special cells located in the lower part of the epidermis (upper layer of skin). These cells are called as melanocytes. Melanin is an important part of the skin as it prevents the skin from ultra violet rays from the sun. This is the reason why our skin tans in the sun.

The body detects greater UV radiation and produces more melanin so as to prevent the skin from any damage. In Vitiligo Skin Disorder, for reasons that we will discuss later, melanocytes stop producing melanin in random places around the skin. This deprives the body of melanin. These skin patches are distinctly white in color and are clearly visible on the skin. They may grow over time. They don't only affect the appearance of the patient physically but it is common for vitiligo patients to stay depressed and have mood disorders. The skin patches give an unusual look and patients have low acceptance in public. Around 0.5% to 2% of the population suffer from vitiligo skin disorder disease.

Why does vitiligo skin disorder happen ?
The exact reason for vitiligo skin disorder is arguable and could not be pin pointed, however research has been carried on and scientists agree that it could be genetic or non-genetic. And the main cause is the lack of production of melanin, but why that happens is still unclear. The strongest theory suggests it is an autoimmune reaction. The body's self defense system is called immune system. Anti bodies that are part of the immune system sometimes attack the body itself. Incase of vitiligo they attack the melanocytes and stop melanin production. Other theories are also present. Some suggest a defect in melanocyte gene code by birthand others think of it to be a viral. Some also suggest damage to the nerves leading to melanocytes. A more uncommon theory is the disturbance in the oxidant-antioxidant system of the body. All the theories have strong results to back them so it maybe possible that different individuals are affected due to different reasons.

What are the symptoms of vitiligo skin disorder?

Although in most cases vitiligo When the white patches or macules appear, they are usually detected earlier by females as compared to males as females are more concerned about there skin. The disease itself is however not specific to any race or gender. There is an equal chance of getting vitiligo in all genders and races.

Treatment Options for Vitiligo Skin Disorder
There are several treatment options available although none can be said to get rid of the disease completely. Infact in most cases the disease recurs ie. Even if the skin regains its color, after treatment is loses it again. Patients can apply creams that are colored to match their own skin color to hide the marks temporarily. This is expensive and is easily removable revealing the patches. Steroid creams can be applied on the skin to weaken the immune system of the skin which stops antibodies from attacking the melanocytes which produce melanin. This is however dangerous in the long run as after some time the steroid will create stretch marks on the skin and skin thinning will occur. Both of these are permanent scars. Other methods involve Extensive therapies under UV radiation to restore melanin in the body. These therapies are expensive and very tiring for the patient.

is not detected until the patches themselves appear, there are some symptoms that may lead to vitiligo. Among these are loss of hair color (grey and white hair appear), loss of colour inside the mouth and loss of color in the eye.
Herbal Cures of Vitiligo Skin Disorder
For centuries herbal cures have relieved people of different diseases time after time. Before the advance of medicine to what it is today, people relied heavily on herbal drugs to cure them. Although herbal medicine has lost its charm in the global health forum, there are still millions that rely on herbal medicine to cure them whether it be medicine made from chinese herbs or herbs from rare plants found in jungles inaccesible to common people.